Syriam Myanmar

Syriam Myanmar and Thanlyin travel guide

Syriam across the Bago River from Yangon City is the former name of Thanlyin the major port in the country. There are around 30 villages encircling Thilawa Port. Since there is a bridge over the river it’s easy to travel there. It’s also possible from Kyauktan by a short trip. 

kyauktan pagoda
Kyauktan Pagoda Pictures

old portuguese grave at Syriam
Old Portuguese grave at Syriam
Old Portuguese church at Syriam
Old Portuguese church at Syriam
Probably the most interesting is the Kyauktan Pagoda built right into the water. In the refinery compound is a ruin of an Old Portuguese church where some people are still living in. Amazingly there is a old grave from the 18th Century and there are almost fresh flowers once per week.

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