Shwedagon Platform

Shwedagon platform with temples, pagodas shrines, sculptures statues and peoples.

The platform is a microcosms by itself with around 300 more Buddha Shrines of different forms, styles and sizes. That is one of the reasons why people visit this sacred place because there are plenty of different views and ideas the devotees carry with them to place.

The Shwedagon Platform
The Shwedagon Platform
View from the westside

The platform in the 18th Century

People tell that platform cum pagoda is about 2000 years old for which there is no evidence. 

one of the four entranceIt rather looks as if long time ago there was a start up of a few meters and over time it was built up bigger. The first real evidence by historical records came in around 1500 AD and after there was a continuation in increasing size continuously. 
pagoda guardians at the north entrance
Obviously it became the merit making habit by the kings to have it grown and recovered from "time to time" with gold plating of different sizes and thicknesses.
One of the Hti (Van) on the shrines topWhen visiting the place and you see some people running don't think it's another earthquake they do it because the sun heats the marble slabs to a unbearable level. 

This is one of the reason why you better don't come around between 11am and 2pm since it will burn your feet, why? Nobody is allowed to wear any kind of shoes. 

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