Myanmar Nat

The Nat are native spirits virtually very alive although none have ever been seen

The first ruler of Bagan, King Anuruddha created a Pantheon of the 36 Nats and placed Thagyamin, as King on top of them. With the introduction of Buddhism the idea of the then king was to get rid of them but they still are strong even about thousand years later. Actually Buddhism and the belief in them coexists. Almost every house and in front of many trees is a
Nat Puppets
Nat Puppets in Bogyoke Market
Nat shrine. 

There is a whole pantheon with more than a dozen of the most important at Mount Popa, near Bagan, the abode of the Nats, plus more on a lower hierarchy level. There are festivals and celebrations all over the year usually  at full moon. 

People make money by posing as servants with dancing and singing plus sacrifice ceremonies such as new building inaugurations and other.
praying to the nats
Praying to the Nats

A important Nat
Nat Pictures at Yangon

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